Saturday, 28 April 2012

Access Con.

Reading: Block,  'Concepts of Consciousness' and Dennet 'Commentary On Block'


1. What is (according to Block) the difference between A. consciousness and P. consciousness?
2. What types of mental states have A con?
3. Thoughts/cognitions are conscious if and only if what? (according to Block)
4. Block has 2 examples he thinks show that you can have A con without P con, and vica versa. What are these examples? What do you think of them?
5. How are Dennet's notions of richness of contenet and degree of infulence meant to explain away the examples from question 4? Do you agree with Dennet?

Monday, 2 April 2012

Higher Order Theories Of Awareness


1. What is the difference between higher order and same order theories?

2. In the higher order theory, which state is conscious?

3. What is the Mis Match Problem? How might you respond?

4. Can you have a higher order state which mispresents itself as being in a state when you are not in any state? In that case, what state would be conscious?

5. Can you have a higher order representation of pain when there is no 1st order state of pain? Can you have unconscious pain?