Thursday, 8 March 2012


Reading (in time for the lecture):

Tye, M. 2002. ‘Visual Qualia and Visual Content Revisited’, in Philosophy of Mind: Contemporary and Classical Readings, ed. D. Chalmers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


1. What are the broad and narrow uses of qualia? Which one does Tye deny? Why?

2. What is the transparency thesis? What is Representationlism? What is the realtionship between the two?

3. Can you think of counter examples to Tye's claim? How might he respond?

4. What are the following examples? What are they supposed to show?

A) Inverted spectrum
B)Peacocke’s tree case
C)Inverted Earth

5. What is the realtionship between an experiences intentional content and its phenomological content?

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